First of all – If you speak German, please read the German version of this cause I’m flexin harder there. Also, I’m too lazy to keep translating and adding my bad jokes everytime I think of new ones (which is constantly).
Haters say I’m a feminazi refugee islamizing the fake libtard media. That’s true! So far I’ve islamized CNN, ZDF and arte, among others. I’ve been paid to do this for 15 years, for seven of them from German taxpayers’ money. So I manage the balance act between “foreigners stealing our jobs” and “foreigners living off our taxes” that racists whine about.
My professional focus is: everything that annoys me. So I do a lot of media critiques, work on racism, genocide and Muslim feminism – exactly the topics that random Hans from Friedelsheim would’ve done if the foreigners hadn’t stolen his job.
My book “Mekka hier, Mekka da” about the role of linguistic and media framing in anti-Muslim racism was recently published by HanserBlau.
During the genocide against Bosniaks, I grew up in Germany’s cosiest refugee camp (by “cozy” I mean it was a damn aluminum container), until I was forced to go “back” to a country I didn’t even know – Bosnia. In the ruins of Sarajevo, I studied Journalism and filled my adrenalin addiction through adventurous trips to exotic destinations such as Bonn, Potsdam and Berlin – at Deutsche Welle, the Electronic Media School and the Parliament of Germany (know your enemy). Despite a nice career in Bosnian media, I decided to return to Germany in 2015 – after almost 20 years in Bosnia.
In my spare time, I go skydiving, play in a punk band, give myself tattoos and invent lies about my spare time. In other words: I sit at home with Chips and Netflix. So give me some work.